Falls while working at heights represent a constant threat in the world of work, a danger that persists and takes its toll at an alarming rate. Every year, hundreds of workers are involved in serious accidents related to falls from elevated placesand, in some cases, these tragic incidents cost them their lives. In Spain, this worrisome reality is reflected in hard numbers: one out of every nine fatal accidents in the workplace is the result of a fall from height.
The Occupational Accident Statistics (OAS) of the Ministry of Labor is in charge of compiling and analyzing data related to occupational accidents in our country. In the year 2022, this statistic registered a total of 73 falls from height that resulted in fatalities.
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1 fatal fall every 5 days
Diving even deeper into these worrying statistics, we can see that, on average, there was almost one fatal accident every day. during the past year, totaling 679 occupational tragedies. However, in the case of falls from height with fatal consequences, the figure is particularly shocking: one life lost every five days due to this type of accident.
In terms of total accidents related to falls from height, the year 2022 yielded an alarming number of 26.115 incidents.This is equivalent to an average of more than 71 falls from height per day. These figures underscore the urgent need to provide training in occupational risk prevention for workers, with the aim of avoiding this type of accidents.
More than two serious falls from height each day
The picture becomes even more disturbing when we move into the category of serious accidents related to falls from heights. According to OAS data, in 2022 the following were recorded a total of 775 serious incidents.
Serious accidents are defined by severe injuries that they cause to workers. The figure of 775 gives an average of more than two such accidents every day, an alarming trend.
In the general context of serious accidents in the workplace during this period, 3,801 incidents were recorded, which means that more than 20% of them were attributable to falls from heights.. In other words, approximately one out of every five serious accidents at work originated in this type of circumstance. This underscores the importance of addressing safety at height as a matter of priority and the need for effective preventive measures.
Worrying trend in fatal accidents due to falls from heights
When analyzing the figures on a year-on-year basis, we can see a worrying trend. For the full year of 2021, a total of 612 fatal work accidents, of which 78 were due to falls from height.
The first conclusion we can draw from these data is the increasing trend in fatal occupational accidents. In 2022, there were more fatal occupational accidents (679) than in 2021. If in 2021 we had an average of 51 fatal accidents at work per month, in 2022 that figure rose to 56.58. The The increase in the number of people killed in the line of duty is never encouraging news.
On the other hand, the trend in fatal falls from height remained at similar levels from one year to the next. The 73 deaths in 2022 represent an approximate average of 6 fatal falls from height per month. By comparison, the average of the 78 fatalities in 2021 was 6.5 employees killed by falls from heights each month. Although slightly higher, this figure remained relatively constant from one year to the next.
These figures are an urgent wake-up call for workplace safety in Spain. It is essential for companies and authorities to work together to implement preventive measures and training programs that reduce the incidence of accidents due to falls from heights and, ultimately, protect the lives of workers. The prevention is key to changing this reality and ensuring that workers return home safe and sound every day.
Small aerial work platforms: a safe solution for overcoming the dangers of working at heights
In this context, it is important to mention that low lift platforms have proven to be an efficient solution to mitigate the risks associated with working at heights. in many industries. These small platforms, designed specifically for tasks at lower heights, offer a safe and versatile alternative to traditional ladders and scaffolds. Its use provides workers with a stable platform from which to perform their work, significantly reducing the risk of falls and accidents. In addition, low lift platforms are easily transportable and can be used in confined spaces, making them an essential tool for ensuring safety in a wide variety of work situations. Investing in equipment of this type can make a difference in the prevention of accidents and the protection of the lives of workers who have to work at heights.
At Liftisa we promote safety in work at heights
At Liftisa, we are committed to safety in the workplace. Through our service of rental of small lifting platformsWe want to play a key role in reducing accidents related to falls from height in the workplace. We believe that prevention is essential and, by providing safe and efficient access at low altitude, we are actively working to help companies create a safer work environment and protect the health of their workers. Our objective: ZERO accidents.